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Prof. Dr. Verena Kuni  M. A.

Kunst·Medien·Kultur - Theorie·Praxis·Vermittlung


Art·Media·Culture - Theory·Practice·Transfer






Tagungen - Workshops - Panels - Präsentationen


conferences - workshops - panels - presentations

from A to D and back again

Vortrag & Workshop, Academy of Performing Arts /FAMU Film and Media, Prag, 27.-29.11.2009

Please note: The lecture & workshop will be postponed/shifted to february 2010.

Living with instable media means to live with loss. For many reasons, even major preservation projects can’t hinder data (be them digital or not) and matter from decay – not to mention those media and apparatuses that are abandoned or actively taken out of service over the time. But what if we feel the need to keep or regain something that’s best-before date has passed?

The FAMU lecture and workshop will explore creative ways to deal with the inevitable decay. As a closer look on the field of HOME MADE MEDIA ARCHEOLOGIES can show, what is gained are not only living memories from the past that allow insight in personal as well as collective media histories, but promising perspectives for today’s and tomorrow’s cultures as well.

tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, archive, archives, art & media, art & society, bild & imagination, digital culture, digitale kultur, displays, diy, do it yourself, do-it-yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, electronic arts, elektronische kunst, erzählen, everyday culture, everyday technologies, film, fotografie, geek, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, media archaeology, media history, medienarchäologie, mediengeschichte, net culture, netzkultur, photography, stories & histories, storytelling, time, topologien, topologies, zeit

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