((o)) radiator x – 130711 – dancing with fragments

rxl_k.gifdancing with fragments
radia #429: fragments from a deviant + radia #279: grazer walzer

[pls. scroll down for english version]

dass das ganze stets mehr als die summe seiner teile ist: das ist nichts neues. das entsteht erst, wenn man mit den teilen spielt. und sie zum tanzen bringt.

wie das geht, zeigt im ersten teil der sendung luka prin?i?, indem er fragmente aus aufnahmen seiner eigenen radiostücke neu kombiniert.

im zweiten teil der sendung lässt ein grazer experimentalkollektiv transformierte fragmente von radiowellen um sich selbst und zwischen den stationen kreisen.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


the whole thing is more than simply summing up its pieces: that's a trivial truth rather than something new. the latter, however, come into play in case you play with the pieces. and invite them to dance.

how to do so? let' first listen to luka prin?i? and his fragments of a deviant:

"I always liked radio. It offers a special mental, bodily and emotional space. At least it used to. Things are so much different these days. It seems it is so hard to find intimacy, time and attention to focus on a single channel. It seems like we are tuned to many different frequencies at once and we’re having an open recording device on each of them. Do we ever go back and listen to those recordings? Have we really experienced each and every one of these channels? If we haven’t, do the recordings matter?

Radiophonicaly I was 'born' through so called Ministry for Experiment run by Borut Savski, Marko Košnik and Luka Frelih. Broadcasting seemed such magic. The open radiospace after midnight and the experience of the eXchange network (first web streaming, creating closed loop/chain of online rebroadcasters) provoked a special sense of closeness and distance at the same time." [T.R.]

Luka Prin?i? is a musician, sound designer and media artist who worksand lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
for more information about his projects go to deviator.si

afterwards, a radio experiment from graz invites to a waltz with fragments and sounds in transformation and circulation dancing around and between the stations:

"In November 1998, Reni and Jogi Hofmüller went to visit their friends, then living in Ljubljana, Katarina Pejovic and Borut Savski. As they had all been involved in different ways in radio making, sound production, and experimenting, it was clear that – though there had not been the plan beforehand – they would go to Radio Student, to the Ministery of Experiment, and do precisely this: experiment […]" [R.H.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
luka prin?i? and radio student, ljubljana, as well as reni and jogi hofmüller, katarina pejovic, borut savski and radio helsinki, graz, for making fragments dance;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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