((o)) radiator x – 131128 – istanbul

radia #448: a story of resistance in istanbul + radia #397: istanbul courthoustep

[pls. scroll down for english version]

zwei akustische einladungen nach istanbul – die beide von widerständigkeit handeln. und doch unterschiedlicher kaum ausfallen könnten…

im ersten teil der sendung führt uns anastasia green in den widerstand türkischer textilarbeiterInnen ein.

im zweiten teil lädt uns noch einmal 2/5 bz aka serhat koksal auf die baustelle des neuen justizpalastes zum courhoustep…

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


two acoustic invitations two istanbul. both telling stories of resistance. however, in considerably different ways…

in the first part of the show anastasia green gives a report on the resistance of turkish textile workers:

"Istanbul, Sisli.
At the end of january 2013 the boss of the Kazova textile factory in Istanbul told his Workers, that they should leave their place. At first they were told that this was just for an vacation, but soon they learned, that they actually didn´t have a working contract anymore. The workers startet to resist.
And they startet to produce again as an cooperative
An acoustic impression of the restistence of Kazova Textil workers." [CFRC]

This episode was produced in Kingston, Ontario, Canada by CFRC’s K. L. Sealegs. Special thanks to Scott Stevens and David Parker..

in the second part of the show, we'll dance another time with 2/5 bz aka serhat koksal the instanbul courhoustep:

"With support from Europe’s and the world’s biggest palaces of justice, and with a vision of solving the problems of unemployment and using F- and T-type prisons as for-profit companies with cheap labor, 'Advanced Justice' is surging towards becoming a global brand: The world’s largest palace of justice (courthouse) is under construction in Istanbul’s Kartal district." [S.K.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
anastasia green and radio orange, vienna, for a report on textile workers resistance in istanbul;
2/5 bz and radio reboot, berlin, for making us dance the istanbul courthoustep;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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