radiator im dezember 2024 | radiator december 2024
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for december 2024…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, art & occult traditions, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, erinnerung, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, green, grün, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & medien, kunst & okkulte traditionen, memory, radio, sound, sound art
radiator im dezember 2023 | radiator december 2023
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for december 2023…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, communication, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kommunikation, körper, kunst & medien, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, topographien, topographies
radiator im august 2022 | radiator august 2022
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for august 2022…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, geschichten & geschichte, green, grün, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & medien, natur, nature, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, zeit
radiator im märz 2022 | radiator march 2022
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for march 2022…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday technologies, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & medien, radio, sound, sound art, stories & histories, storytelling
radiator im oktober 2021 | radiator october 2021
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for october 2021…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, erzählen, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & medien, performance, radio, sound, sound art, stories & histories, storytelling, time, zeit
radiator im märz 2021 | radiator march 2021
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for march 2021…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, everyday cultures, gehen, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & medien, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, walking
radiator im september 2020 | radiator september 2020
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for september 2020…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, digital culture, digitale kultur, geek, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, network cultures, netzkulturen, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit
radiator im august 2020 | radiator august 2020
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for august 2020…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, audio, bodies, city, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, körper, medien, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stadt, stadtlandschaften, (un)sichtbarkeit, urban landscapes
radiator im dezember 2018 | radiator december 2018
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for december 2018…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagstechnologien, art & media, art & occult traditions, audio, bild & imagination, bodies, communication, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, image & imagination, (in)visibility, kommunikation, körper, kunst & medien, kunst & okkulte traditionen, media archaeology, medienarchäologie, occultation, okkultation, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, technologie, technology, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, verdunklung
Nuclear Plants
Chernobyl. A place where clocks are working differently. A zone of death where the march of time seems to be stopped. Yet, life is going on. Another life. A life for which the radiant future of the past has become eternal presence.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE], [TBC RADIO]
tags: art & media, art & science, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, biologie, biology, biosciences, biowissenschaften, bodies, death, ecology, erinnerung, fotografie, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, material culture, materielle kultur, media archaeology, medienarchäologie, memory, natur, nature, ökologie, orte & räume, perception, photography, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, time, tod, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung, zeit