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GUNST » digital media


[digital media]

21-30 of 42

((o)) Datscha-Radio: Time Tourist – Sea Garden

Time Tourist - Sea Garden

A garden growing in the darkness. Deep in time. Under the waters…


((o)) Datscha-Radio: Elektronisches Florileg (II) | Electronic Florilegium (II)

Elektronisches Florileg | Electronic Florilegium

And another time: Say it with flowers…
Electronic music through the flower – ambient, experimental, dancefloor…
A florilegium brought to you by Alba, the inverse rabbit.


((o)) Datscha-Radio: Gartenrezepte aus Balkonien | Garden Recipes from Balconia

Gartenrezepte aus Balkonien | Garden Recipes from Balconia

A radio talk around the garden table with Jörg Reinowksi, self-taught gardener and expert for gardening in Balkonia. During our show he's unveiling the mysteries of his green wonder bag, packed with delicious surprises like self-grown veggies and home baked bread. Together with a lot of balcony gardneners knowlegde he shares also the recipes with us. And later he will also cook a complete, tasty dinner for us, served at the garden table. Can anything else compare?


((o)) Datscha-Radio: Radio-Mykologie Soufflé | Radio Mycology Soufflé

Radio-Mykologie Soufflé | Radio Mycology Soufflé

Some mycology for all friends of funghi, together with some recipes for those with a special taste for experimental electronic mushrooms music…


((o)) Datscha-Radio: Tier(e in) Gärten | Animals in/and Gardens

Tier(e in) Gärten | Animals in/and Gardens

A radia double feature with music for animals and/in gardens…


((o)) Datscha-Radio: Samen | Seeds

Samen | Seeds

A choice of seeds to be sawn in a bed of sounds. And listen: There's electronic music growing…


((o)) Datscha-Radio: Von Unten | From Below

Von Unten | From Below

A radio talk at the garden table with Karl Heinz Jeron on the hidden energies and sounds to be found in rotten fruit and vegetables. Meanwhile, the artists builds a whole orchestra from fallen fruit collected under the apple and plum trees in the Datscha-Garden and its neighbourhood – playing a whole concert for us…


((o)) Datscha-Radio: RosenGartenTräume | RoseGardenDreams

RosenGartenTräume | RoseGardenDreams

Night has fallen over the garden. The Datscha is nested in silence. The garden is sleeping. And the roses begin to dream.
Yet, our antennas are still receiving signals and we're listening out to the frequencies drowning through the dark. Seems like there is some susurrration. Is it the long forgotten fragrance of the wild rose, mingling with all those odours that have been carried away over the day by the busy bees? Indeed, they left those of the rose garden: knowing well about the poisonous scents of the hybrids' blossoms. Rose is a rose. But not every rose is a rose or not.
EWe are a sign, meaningless / We are painless and have almost / Forgotten speech in exile… Heavy are the dreams of roses and at the same time light. We'll steal an hour from the night, for we want to share them.
Rose garden dreams with Hölderlin, Gertrud Stein, Chinese folk tales, Matmos and Wittgenstein.
No, we've never promised you a rose garden…


((o)) Datscha-Radio: Elektronisches Florileg | Electronic Florilegium

Elektronisches Florileg | Electronic Florilegium

Say it with flowers…
Electronic music through the flower – ambient, experimental, dancefloor…
A florilegium brought to you by Alba, the inverse rabbit.


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt | GUNSTproject: TIK ROOFTOP RADIO


A live gallery radio stream from the TIK exhibition & festival. Rooftop Radio is a settled and permanent interaction with broadcast reports, interviews, discussions, atmospheric pictures and more from the festival site.


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