Green Enclosures. Cabins, Cells and/as Climate Capsules: Contemporary Re-Enactments of a Romantic ConceptLecture | Vortrag "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." (Henri Thoreau) A cabin in the woods. Living a simple life, in harmony with nature: An image of desire, not only in our times of global eco-distasters and late capitalist attention economy's demand for being "always on", networked and clocked, oriented and within reach. The presentation will take a closer at selected examples of cabins which are conceived as retreats and "climate capsules" (cf. Friedrich von Borries) that promise an alternative life in a not only ecologically contaminated present. If the historical passage goes from a current time section through various "modernist stations", over the twentieth and nineteenth centuries back to the related hermitage architectures figuring in gardens and parks, and finally from the visual arts of the early modern period and the middle ages towards the reflections of the contemporary art, it is not only the transformations of a topos and its space of imagination that are to be explored. Rather, there will also be an opportunity to discuss the embedded concepts of "nature" and "culture", including the notions of "wilderness" and "civilization" neatly interwoven into them. projects: (IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY |