interfiction XIX / 2012 : AMNESIARCHIVE. Save To Forget – Amnesias of ArchivesInterdisciplinary Conference & Workshop-Summit Digital media have nourished and fostered the dream to save everything, for ever and ever. Will networked storage systems and databases merge into a gigantic archive of the archives that never forgets? And if so, does really a dream come true – or rather a nightmare, not only for those who care about data protection and privacy? Do we need something like a digital oblivion? Or will we end up with an ash heap of the so called information age anyway – thanks to digital decay? What are the consequences and effects of our experiences with digital data and digital archives for our attitude towards archiving in general, and for our practices of collecting and the preservation of things, objects, non-objects, memories…? What can we learn from this – especially regarding the general problems we're facing with everything not capable to be documented and kept in analog and/or digital storage media? What about images and pictures, the pictures of images and pictures, kept in fragile storage systems – and always at risk to get lost? What will remain from those left aside? What about the images kept from us with purpose – whilst their absence is being dismissed and forgotten behind what is on display? What about those images we'd wish to forget – but that will nevertheless remain? This year’s interfiction summit for art, media and network cultures invites with lectures, presentations and workshop-sessions to take a closer look at Amnesias of Archives. Artists and tinkerers, video- and filmmakers, researchers, curators, writers, (h)activists and archivists interested in interdisciplinary exchange are invited to join the conference and to discuss their ideas and projects. Moreover, the interfiction DIY-Lab will offer opportunities to test, to share and to develop how-tos and know-how in practice as well. Call for contributions and further information: Contact: Metadata: * External link, opening in a separate Browser-Window projects: A2D2A, center for storytelling, Digital Dust Diaries, interfiction, (IN)VISIBLE ARCHIVES related projects on D.I.Y. cultures, [IN]VISIBILIA, Performing (In)Visible Archives, Recycling Invention related project on Sustainability |