interfiction XXII / 2015 – MINDMACHINESInterdisciplinary Conference & Workshop-Summit This year’s interfiction summit for art, media and network cultures invites with lectures, presentations and workshop-sessions to take a closer look at MINDMACHINES: Let us explore the spectrum of analog, digital and analogital techniques and technologies of psycho-physical and mental stimulation in the tension field between manipulation and expanded consciousness. Contact: Metadata: * External link, opening in a separate Browser-Window projects: A2D2A, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY SCI, interfiction, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Metaphorology of Media, MEDIOLOGIES, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS mainprojects: D.I.Y. CULTURES, MEDIOLOGIES, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS |